Thank you for visiting my website!
In 2016, I taught myself how to develop a WordPress website, and I’ve spent a lot of time building On the Cobblestone Road into a portfolio, blog, and resource for other indie authors and creators.
For all the time, work, and monetary investment that I’ve put into maintaining this website, I don’t charge my visitors a penny. I genuinely love what I do and hope to continue doing it for a long time.
But a little extra support really goes a long way!

How Does My Support Help?
Hosting a website isn’t free, and neither is self-publishing. When authors publish through the traditional route, the publishing house covers the upfront costs and absorbs the risk if the book doesn’t sell. Indie authors like me are responsible for those costs out of our own pockets.
I find ways to cut my costs whenever I can. For example, I design my own book covers and do the print layout myself so I don’t have to pay someone else to do it. However, by cutting costs, I’m sacrificing more of my time since I’m not delegating these tasks. Donations help to make that time worthwhile so I can continue doing what I love (and still pay for food and rent while I do it).
Some responsibilities require me to partner with others. I pay a line editor, ebook formatter, audiobook narrators, etc. There’s no getting around those costs — not if I want to produce a high-quality novel that can stand on equal ground with traditionally published competitors.
I do NOT outsource any of the content creation on this website. Many (you might actually be surprised by how many) websites use ghost writers, which means the author listed is not actually the author. The company paid somebody else to write the article and then published it under a different author’s name and byline.
I would know because for a time, my day job was working for a writing agency, so I was one of those ghost writers. And let me tell you, it’s a weird feeling seeing my article under the byline of a CEO, or an expert with decades of experience in a certain field, or other qualifications that are nowhere near my actual skill set.
But I’ve built my brand around my own voice and art. Every single article, photograph, and piece of art on this website, unless clearly credited to someone else, is my own. It may not be the best business model as far as my managing my time goes, but I refuse to falsely claim something that I have not created. I also don’t use AI-generated content. I strive to be 100% authentically me.
FREE Ways to Show Support
I know what it’s like to be on a tight budget but still want to support people. Here are some ways to help without spending a single penny:
- Find me on social media (links here). Like, follow, comment, and share my posts. This helps with exposure so I can broaden my reach to new people.
- Did you read a blog post that you enjoyed? Share the link on social media or email it to a friend who would appreciate it.
- Subscribe to my monthly newsletter. This lets you stay up to date with everything I’m currently working on.
- If you’ve read my books and you enjoyed them, please write a book review on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and/or Goodreads. Reviews help authors so much more than most people realize!
- Know someone looking for a new book recommendation? Let them know about my series. One of the biggest challenges for an indie author is getting the book out to readers, and word-of-mouth marketing can go a long way.
- Grab some business cards from me at an event and pass them out to friends.
How Do I Make a One-Time Donation?
I use a platform called Buy Me a Coffee… but I actually hate coffee! So, let’s substitute for hot chocolate, chai tea lattes, or bubble tea instead.
This donation platform allows my followers and visitors to treat me to a virtual drink. It’s a quick, easy way to show support and help keep this website running.
Psst… are you a creator interested in setting up your own Buy Me a Coffee account? Use my referral link and I’ll get a drink too when you get your first donation!
What is Patreon?
Patreon is a platform where creators publish exclusive content for their subscribers.
Think of it like paying for a continuous backstage pass. Most of my content is free here on the website or my social media channels for my general audience, but my Patreon subscribers get to take a much closer look behind the scenes. For example, you can see my finished work in the art gallery. On Patreon, I often share timelapse videos so you can see the creation of that art from start to finish.

What Perks Do I Get With a Patreon Subscription?
I have three separate tiers to choose from. Each tier compounds upon the ones below it, meaning if you sign up for Level 3, you also get the perks included in Levels 1 and 2.
Check out this video to get a taste of what kind of experience my subscribers can expect:
Human Status (Level 1) @ $5/month:
- Patron-only posts & updates
- Handwritten thank-you note
- Name listed in acknowledgements
- Win prizes at events
- Upcoming event announcements
- Early access to content & new products
- 15% off merch
- Exclusive promos
Kálos Status (Level 2) @ $10/month:
- Kit emoji sticker collection (including new designs)
- Behind-the-scenes content
- Worldbuilding bonus content
- Art timelapse videos
- Early book cover reveals
Alpha Status (Level 3) @ $15/month:
- A place or minor character named after you in a future book
- FREE autographed copy of new book releases + latest collectible pins
- Exclusive sneak peeks at WIPs
- Deleted scenes
- Author Q&A submissions
- Character Q&A submissions
- Exclusive voting power in polls
- Access to Patreon channel in Discord
What is Substack? (And How is That Subscription Different from Patreon?)
Substack has replaced MailChimp as my newsletter platform. Unlike MailChimp, which was strictly a backend email publication service, Substack is a secondary website with a public interface that displays a complete archive of my posts and newsletters. It also includes an About page as well as external links to my various websites, social media pages, shops, et cetera.
My monthly newsletter is free for my subscribers. However, I also offer a premium Substack subscription for creative solopreneurs such as artists and indie authors who are interested in additional entrepreneurial content. For $5/month (or a discounted $50/year annual cost), those subscribers gain access to exclusive posts where I share my firsthand experience and advice to find and apply for events, optimize your booth display, target niches, understand profit margins, develop a personal brand, implement a grassroots approach to establish a genuine fan base, and more.
The primary difference between my Substack subscription and Patreon subscription: Substack is where I share business content and encourage professional networking among creatives, while Patreon prioritizes fan-based content for followers who are interested in my book series and art. Both subscriptions help to support my business, but the platforms cater to very different audiences.
**You can subscribe to the free newsletter and choose to upgrade to the premium solopreneur level later if you’re interested in the bonus content**

How Are Donations & Subscriptions Used?
All payments collected through Buy Me a Coffee, Patreon, and Substack, as well as revenue from book sales, merchandise in my Spring store, and royalties from the Old Soul Artisan candle collaboration, are transferred into a designated business savings account. This money is used for a variety of business-related expenses, including:
- Website hosting & domains
- Book editing
- Ebook formatting
- Audiobook narration & production expenses
- Marketing
- Proof copies
- Office supplies & materials
- Vendor fees for events
Your support helps me publish books and manage this website as well as
Can I Cancel My Subscription?
Of course! I’d hate to see you go, but you can cancel your Patreon subscription or Substack subscription at any time.
Seriously, every website visitor, CoA fan, social media follower, and general supporter is appreciated more than you’ll ever know. Part of the joy in writing and creating art is sharing it with people. Thank you for being here and showing your support!